
I am one of those artists who, having completed their Art School training by 1935, only had four years in which to establish themselves before war put an end to their careers – in many cases forever. In those days there were few travelling scholarships, bursaries or prizes: those who could went off to Paris to further their development. My main influences were Cézanne and Van Gogh, but I had no desire to be an adherent of any art movement. Instead I wished to find some remote and inspiring place, devoid of galleries and exhibitions, where I hoped to find out whether I had a voice of my own.

1912              Born Longthorpe, Peterborough, England

1927-1931  Educated at Ampleforth College, Yorkshire

1931-1935  Studied at Slade School of Art, London University

1937              Portrait painting in the Republic of Ireland

1938-1939  Lived and painted in Connemara

1939-1945  Served in Durham Light Infantry (commissioned)

1943-1944  Wounded in Tunisia and spend a year’s sick leave painting

1946              Second stay in Connemara painting

1947-1978  Joined staff of Edinburgh College of Art, where he taught drawing, painting and anatomy at senior level until retirement

1950             Elected Member of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters

1965-1969 Further visits to Ireland

1976             Elected Member of the Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Watercolour

1989             Elected Associate Member of the Royal Scottish Academy

2005             Elected Member of the Royal Scottish Academy

2013             Royal Scottish Academy retrospective exhibition

2014             Made Member of the Order of the British Empire
